2015/05/12_Vera Afreixo (University of Aveiro, Portugal)

May 12th 2015

Faculty of Economic and Business Sciences | Seminar 7

DNA symmetries

2015/05/12 – 12:30 h | Vera Afreixo, Department of Mathematics – University of Aveiro (Portugal)


In single-stranded DNA, the frequency of one word and the correspondent inverted complement word tend to be the same, for almost all living organisms. This phenomenon is usually known by DNA symmetry phenomenon.

We developed methods to measure and characterize the DNA symmetry and the exceptional symmetry has been proposed as a meaningful measure of this phenomenon, able to identify the symmetry above than expected in random contexts.

To explore the exceptional symmetry along the genome sequences, we proposed a sliding window method to extract the values of exceptional symmetry.

With our study we concluded that the exceptional symmetry is a local and global phenomenon in genome sequences, we obtain specific profiles characteristics by species and by chromosome.

In this seminar will be presented the developed procedures two preform the exceptional DNA symmetry among region and globally. Several results will be discussed using real genomes and control scenarios.
