2017/10/13-14_Course of Game Theory


DATES: 13-14 OCTOBER 2017

The organizing committee has the pleasure of inviting you to participate in the Course on Operations Research Models in Game Theory, to be held in Pontevedra (Spain). The course will take place at Casa das Campás from October 13th to 14th, 2017.

About the course

It is the third course that is organized in a series of courses that pretend to make known Game Theory as a useful tool in various economic and business fields, help strengthen relations between phD students who carry out their thesis in Spain in topics related to Game Theory, and favor the exchange of ideas and the opening of new research perspectives.

This course is aimed for PhD students for whom Game Theory can be useful, both theoretically and practically, in their lines of research. This includes students from many different degrees like: Economics; Business Studies; Operations Research; Mathematics; Engineering; Logistics; Political Science; and Public Management among others.

The course will have a duration of 10 hours and the maximum number of participants is 50

The web page of the event is http://docjuegos.webs.uvigo.es/index.en.html.