Between 16th – 20th October 2017, the IV Iberian Modelling Week (IMW) will take place at the Edificio Miralles, University of Vigo
This edition is co-organized by the Statistical Inference, Decision & Operation Research group (SiDOR) of the University of Vigo, by the Technological Institute of Industrial Mathematics (ITMATI) and the Spanish Mathematical Network – Industry (math-in), in collaboration with the Portuguese Network of Mathematics for Industry and Innovation (PT-MATHS-IN).
About the meeting
The IV IMW brings together math MSc students with academic supervisors to work in teams on previously defined industrial projects for a week. This initiative aims to provide the students the opportunity to work on real and current industrial problems, so they are prepared to be able to deal with industrial demands and also, improve their skills for applying to enter on the labor market. The international character of the event also allows the exchange of experiences between students with different realities of teaching. This event also targets to remark to the participants the important contribution of mathematics to solve industry problems in different areas. The Iberian Modeling Week is held annually alternatively in Portugal and Spain. After editions that were held in Coimbra, Santiago de Compostela and Porto, Vigo is chosen as the venue for this fourth edition. Consellería de Cultura, Educación y Ordenación Universitaria of the Xunta de Galicia collaborates with the IV IMW through the Technological Network of Industrial Mathematics (TMATI Network)
The web page of the event is http://math-in.net/4imw.