December 3rd 2012
Faculty of Economic and Business Sciences | Room 145
Estimating haplotype effects for survival and competing risks data
2012/12/03 – 13:00 h | Thomas Scheike, Department of Biostatistics – University of Copenhagen (Denmark)
In this talk I will consider estimation of haplotype effects for Bone marrow transplant patients. The statistical approach is to write up the observed hazard given the genotypes and then estimate the parameters of the model using recursive estimation equations. Based on these estimating equations it is possible to derive the large sample properties of these complicated models. One advantage of this technique is that it is easier numerically than the EM algorithm and due to the explicit formulae it is easier to analyse. In addition we extend the methods to flexible hazard models such as the Aalen additive hazards model. I will illustrate the use of the models on BMT data from the International Blood and Marrow Transplant Registry.